Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Resolutions..... 2013

It is that time of year again where everyone goes out and buys a new piece of exercise equipment, removes all the "junk food" from the house and stocks the fridge with "clean food." I admit, these are all wonderful and important resolutions, ones that I also want to take part in. This year though, there's so much more for me to work towards. So my resolutions are as follows.
I will make 2013 a healthy year. A year of good habits, good physical fitness, good mental clarity, and a year life of great spiritual fulfillment.  It seems often times we get inside our own head too much. We tend to forget that we are not in complete control of our lives. Sure, we make choices every day that play into our lives, but the Big Man upstairs, he's really in control.  Unfortunately, I know that 2013 also has some gigantic obstacles ahead. There will be days when I feel like throwing in the towel, days I want to cover my head with the pillow and go back to bed, days of worry and days of sadness. It's my hope that the days of happiness, sunshine and feeling complete, far out number the former. I hope that you'll join me in embracing 2013, the obstacles and challenges and the happiness and triumph... Whatever it shall bring! Feel free to follow my journey as I plan to be a better "blogger" along the way!!

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