Sunday, June 16, 2013

My little slice of Paradise

It's funny growing up in this little town I live in. Everyone I know, myself included, just cannot wait to escape this place when they graduate. It doesn't matter where you're going either, just as long as it is FAR away from here! Yet, here I find myself, settled in to the very place I couldn't wait to leave. I've got a little plot of land and Simplicity Farm has become my own little slice of Paradise. There are so many things I love about this place now, but I have to say that one of my very favorite things about this place is the sky. Its beauty is simply indescribable. Whether I'm waking up at the crack of dawn and watching the sun spill over the mountain peaks, casting its warm gaze upon the fields, or watching the thunder boomers roll in on a hot summer day, the sky holds me captive. I could watch the sun rise and set everyday and never grow tired of it. I can get home from late from town and be exhausted, but one look in the sky and I am awed by the blanket of stars that cover me. It is just so peaceful! The wind is howling outside right now, otherwise I'd be out there, wrapped in a blanket and having a cup of coffee in my chair, staring at the stars instead of writing about them. I haven't quite figured out how to capture the stars on camera, perhaps I need a telescope fitting for my camera which I'm sure would still do it no justice.  I am truly blessed to have such beautiful surroundings!!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

GI Jake part 4... The visit home before the long journey begins

So we were lucky enough to have a few days with my Soldier home before he headed overseas. It seems unfair that when I'm counting down the days until he gets home they seem to drag on, but when he's here and time is limited the days fly by!!

With luck on our side, he got released a little earlier than originally planned and that set the wheels in motion. With a few little "white lies" we decided to surprise our kiddos. I told them I was heading to town to get the poster boards to make our "Welcome Home" signs and that I would meet them at the baseball game. Sometimes plans just workout so great! I made a quick trip to Reno and to pick up this handsome guy and we made a mad dash to the baseball game.

It took some conspiring, but between us, my parents and grandparents, we made it just as the innings were changing and our big man was headed into the dugout.
There aren't really words to describe how awesome this moment was, and my only wish is that I would have had someone recording both angles so you could see every one's happy faces! The boys had absolutely no idea I was bringing their daddy to the game!


This was the beginning of a wonderful week in our home! Jared went on to make his pitching debut. He played awesome! (Pretty sure he was showin' off a little for his daddy!) 
We also took  home a W! 

 The next day we did a little hiking in Wilson Canyon. It was such a beautiful day! 

My Soldier got to watch both of our kiddos play some baseball and also logged himself a few hours on the Sandlot in our back yard.

The day before he left we had a small family BBQ to wish him well and send him off. I teased him that it was his "Last Supper" before he endured months of "oh so delicious food" 
(I think that's what DFac stands for) that the Army will be serving him. 

Surrounded by good friends and family, we had games, a bonfire, and one very special activity. Some friends of ours brought over paper lanterns and we sent off "wishes" for him. It was so awesome!

We are very blessed to have such amazing friends and family! The support and love they show is without measure! Our time was short and went by too fast, but every moment will be cherished. I pray for a safe journey and a speedy return and would love it if you'd do the same, because my Soldier,  he is the fire in my heart and the light in my babies eyes. I just love him so much! 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

GI Jake part 3...... Deployment

So the day that we knew "someday" would probably come, has arrived. (Well, actually arrived a little while back, but I had to get in the right mindset to actually blog about it.)
It's a crazy thing actually, trying to deal with all of the emotions that come with deployment. Stress, anxiety, loneliness, pride, love, sadness, happiness, confusion, excitement, loyalty, honor, stress... did I already mention that?  The list really could go on and on and on. 
We are a couple weeks into the "pre-mob" phase of deployment.  While I have an empty bed at night and we only have three place settings at the dinner table, I am not sure it's totally hit me yet. I still get to talk to my soldier everyday and even got to see his face on Skype. So right now I'm not feeling too bad. 
On the day he left, the emotions were definitely on overdrive. Nothing can prepare you for that. Arriving on base seeing six Blackhawk helicopters lined up, families standing around, Soldiers loading their gear... The air was thick and you could feel the tension mixed with excitement. 

I was definitely overwhelmed with the magnitude of this day!!!

With our "goodbye" hugs given and tears in our eyes, we watched from afar as they readied the birds for flight. I stood there feeling so close, yet so far. I was fighting the urge to run back and get one more hug, one more kiss, as I'm sure every other wife, family member and child also were. Once every one was loaded up and checked off they "paraded" down the runway. I have experienced my share of "goodbyes" over the past few years, but this one takes the cake. The Soldiers waving, searching for their families. Tears were flowing on almost every face around me. The crew chief in my Soldier's helicopter had a bit of a sense of humor, which I didn't see until I uploaded the pictures. My eyes were a bit blurry at the time.
Parker said, "That's kind of funny and kind of scary!" and I have to say I agree!

Watching these six incredible machines, filled with our most precious cargo, depart in unison was something unforgettable. They hovered and then took off, circled around the mountain, and came back for a final flyover. They were "waved off" by the Patriot Guard which was so awesome. There was a bit of a breeze so their flags waved strongly as they stood by their bikes, waving farewell to our Soldiers. 

 The night before my Soldier kept saying "I'm in the last helicopter, just remember that." He had a mischievous smile but offered no more to the story. So you can imagine my horror when only five of the helicopters flew back over. I counted, then counted again and then one more time. Yep only five! I was feeling pretty apprehensive... And then there was a loud, really loud, noise coming from behind the hanger. As I looked behind me, sure enough, helicopter number six was coming over the top flying quickly RIGHT OVER US! I had to laugh, because those of you who know my Soldier, and the adrenaline junkie he is, this was right up his alley. Call it a little "show boating" for the fans!
I sort of wish he would have told me so I could video all of it, but I did at least get a few more pictures of them before they joined the others.

This begins the journey of our first deployment. I'm sure it will be full of emotional highs and lows, but the pride and love that fill my heart will continue to grow stronger and stronger everyday. 

 I do love this man SOOOO much!!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

GI Jake part 2.... My plans vs Army plans = Army wins!

So as many of you know my Soldier completed his paramedic course on the 18th (woohoo!! he's a licensed Paramedic!!) and got to come home! It was such a wonderful, wonderful day!! It's such an amazing feeling to have my family together again. We spent a wonderful weekend in California with his family and finally returned home on Monday the 21st.
In true form, we were back to reality on Tuesday. I went to work, the kids to school and my Soldier reported to his unit to check in and do paperwork yadda yadda yadda. It was not an hour into my day at work when I got a text saying "I have to leave on Saturday for training." Devastated instantly, I refrained from breaking down in tears in the middle of work. My brain was reeling. "What do you mean you have to leave?!?!? Don't they know that you just got home!" As my title states, Army wins. So this morning I took my Soldier back to the airport. I'm beginning to think I should apply for a "frequent parker" voucher to the parking garage. Maybe they have a discount for something like that.
Today's a special day for us and I had some big plans. (yes I'm learning to stop planning because it continues to get trumped by the Army's plans)  Nine years ago today, we got engaged!! I am quite sure that I had the entire wedding planned 5 hours after he asked me. :)
Anyhow, with my plans to re-celebrate our "engagement" on hold we are back to the count down to Friday! Is it Friday yet?!?!
I am grateful this training is only a week long and that he is getting some time to bond with the other Soldiers in his unit. I, however, miss him and it's not even been 24 hours! The Army adventure continues in the Roseberry household... I am very proud of my Soldier and all his accomplishments! Now he just needs to hurry home!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Today was one of those days that just makes me laugh out loud, and I'm sure my children would be mortified to know I'm about to blog about it. I tell you though, sometimes it's just too funny not to be shared.

So my little man, he's 6 now and that's a "big boy!" He's gotten to the point where he wants to use the mens' bathroom instead of the womens' which is fine most of the time. Today however, he decided he needed to do his business in the mens' room.... at the Walmart of all places.... Twenty minutes had passed and he still was not out, and there was a flood of traffic going in and out of that bathroom. Finally, my oldest came out of the bathroom, and I turned him right back around to check on his brother. He came out and said "He's fine Mom, he's still going." A few more minutes passed and I sent him back in with special instructions.

 I said' "Now you might have to help him" and the look on his face was priceless. The "Huh!?!? you want me to do WHAT!?!?" But being the good brother he is, he went back in to the bathroom. Another ten minutes passed and every time the door opened I looked up to see if my boys were coming out.... And every it was not them. I have now spent 30 minutes on the bench outside the mens' room. I'm pretty sure I looked like a crazy person!

Finally! my oldest emerged from the bathroom. He said "That was DISGUSTING!" I just laughed and replied "welcome to motherhood my son!" A short while later, my youngest came through the door visually upset.

He said "I was trying to hurry Mom." I just gave him a hug and suggested maybe next time we use the womens' room. He rapidly agreed. So I loaded him in the cart and set off to do my shopping. A few steps away from the bathroom my oldest looks at me and says "I would rather go shopping than do that ever again! and I hate shopping. That was horrible." I lost it. I mean laughing like I was at a comedy show in the middle of the aisle at Walmart. When I thought I was almost composed, my little man leans forward and says "You should have seen Bubba, Mom. He almost threw up!" We all laughed so hard... Except my oldest who was still having some PTSD from the whole thing.

I tell you, there is never a dull moment in life with these kiddos around! Happy laughs everyone! Welcome to a day in the life of the Roseberry's.

Friday, January 4, 2013

GI Jake part 1

I'm not so sure that this should be titled "part 1" as we are far from the beginning of our Army life, actually we are approximately 3 years and 7 months into our "Army life." It has definitely been a roller coaster ride! There has been many months at a time that we have spent apart over the past 3 1/2 years, more months apart than together unfortunately. I am thankful to say, though, that all of those months apart we've been fortunate enough that my Soldier has remained stateside. We just finished up a fabulous 11 days with my Soldier home for the holidays. It was by far the best Christmas present I got!

You'd think after all of the trips to the airport I'd become a bit "immune" to the goodbyes, that they'd get easier as you go... It's just not the case. This "goodbye" was so hard for me. It's kind of ironic because he will graduate his Paramedic course on the 18th and he will be coming home!! This is the shortest "apart" time we've had in all his training.  I think just being so near the end, and having such a wonderful time together as a family, I just didn't want to say goodbye. I didn't want him to have to get on that plane... But such is life. "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit" as we say in our home. (well okay, maybe I threw a little fit....more like an emotional breakdown. It's definitely not the first.) 

Anyhow, my Soldier went from the Army Reserves to the NV National Guard and had to go to school almost immediately after the switch.  The opportunity is amazing and he's getting some awesome training, but that just meant 7 more months apart. The end is so near and I count the days, hours and minutes until he's home again.... Now, if I can just keep him here for a little while my life would be perfect. The Army has brought many wonderful new things to our life. With every sacrifice that's made, a reward is obtained. Though it's not always as we wish and the timing isn't always great, the silver lining always shines through.  

So I'll continue to share about the Army life with GI Jake as time goes by, for the adventure continues....

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Resolutions..... 2013

It is that time of year again where everyone goes out and buys a new piece of exercise equipment, removes all the "junk food" from the house and stocks the fridge with "clean food." I admit, these are all wonderful and important resolutions, ones that I also want to take part in. This year though, there's so much more for me to work towards. So my resolutions are as follows.
I will make 2013 a healthy year. A year of good habits, good physical fitness, good mental clarity, and a year life of great spiritual fulfillment.  It seems often times we get inside our own head too much. We tend to forget that we are not in complete control of our lives. Sure, we make choices every day that play into our lives, but the Big Man upstairs, he's really in control.  Unfortunately, I know that 2013 also has some gigantic obstacles ahead. There will be days when I feel like throwing in the towel, days I want to cover my head with the pillow and go back to bed, days of worry and days of sadness. It's my hope that the days of happiness, sunshine and feeling complete, far out number the former. I hope that you'll join me in embracing 2013, the obstacles and challenges and the happiness and triumph... Whatever it shall bring! Feel free to follow my journey as I plan to be a better "blogger" along the way!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Snowy Winter

This year has been an unusually snowy winter, and I am absolutely loving it!! We had snow all week before Christmas and though we didn't get snow on Christmas there was still some leftovers in the mountains. The snow is simply gorgeous. The boys have been sledding down the little hill in the back yard and making snow angels in the yard, but Saturday was the real adventure.
We headed towards Bridgeport, with the sleds in the back of the truck, a lunchbox full of goodies and each of us a travel mug of homemade hot chocolate. We were in search of some sleddin' snow! And boy did we find it!!

We hooked up the sleds as soon as we turned off the highway and we were nonstop up the mountain. It powder was perfect and the temperature was brisk.
The boys were having so much fun !!!

A few more miles up the mountain, we stopped for lunch and decided we were frozen enough to turn around. The boys, of course, wanted no part of getting in the truck to warm up so they loaded on the sleds for a trek down the mountain.

I think Jared was giving a whole new meaning to "eat my dust..." or should we say snow! I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Crisp fresh air, cold mountain snow and of course the laughter of two happy kiddos! But frozen to the bone, and at the end of the road, it was time to call it a day!!