Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Bountiful Garden

Last year was our first attempt at having a garden, and I must say it was quite productive! So much so that this year we have expanded our garden space and it now measures in at about 70'x100' and is fully fenced. (I am pretty sure this is so I cannot expand it again next year!) This year we also planted some vegetables in raised beds and our tomatoes in tires. This is our garden in the middle of June... We kind of got a late start thanks to weather, but I'm sure as did most people around here.
Just a few short months later I am finding myself with monstrous tomato plants that are invading the walkways and zucchini that seem to quadruple in size over night! These are not complaints mind you, I am very grateful for the bountiful harvest we have gotten thus far, but as you see it can be a bit overwhelming!

Our garden is filled with 8 rows of corn, 1 raised bed(box) of zucchini (5 zucchini plants... it's enough to supply the entire state with zucchini!), 1 box of yellow squash- crooked neck and yellow summer squash, 1 box of "gourmet" squash (yep that's a whole lotta some squash/zucchini), 1 salad box, 1 herb box, 1 beans/peas box, 1 hot pepper box (a definite must for the salsa makin!), 1 bell pepper/ broccoli box, 1 root veggie box, 15 cucumber plants- including 5 different varieties, 3 spaghetti squash plants, 40 tomato plants (remember that salsa I talked about... We make some spaghetti sauce too.) and our very own pumpkin patch!

As much as I find delight in watching my garden grow, I love watching my childrens' excitement! They are rigorous little creatures out there, helping me keep it weeded and building wind barriers around the boxes.

Their favorite time of harvest seems to be when it's "time to check the corn." I love watching throughout the summer as these tiny little sprouts emerge to the ground bringing smiles to my boys' faces. Almost overnight, they double and double again. Quickly approaching the height of my littlest gardener. He calls "Look Mom, it's as tall as me!" and a few short days later it's as taller and he calls "Look Mom, it's as tall as Bubba!" And now the harvest begins. Six rows of corn is quite a bit (the other 2 rows are "decorative corn" for the fall) and we are battling the worms trying to get the best corn before they do!

The first harvest puts a definite order on the dinner menu for corn on the cob, and rightfully so after all that hard work... shucking and cleaning, and of course getting all those pesky worms out, should definitely be rewarded with a nice, fresh, piping hot, slathered in butter, home grown piece of corn on the cob! MMMMMMMMMM!!!!


  1. I love it! What an awesome garden! And thank you again for sharing your harvest with us!!

  2. Wow garden is quite impressive! Great blog Kimmy!
